We are caring for more than 80 cats and kittens at present, a record number for the Cat Hub.
The cost of living crisis means that we are taking in more abandoned and stray cats. Last year, despite the many restrictions and lockdowns, we rehomed 212 stray, abandoned and neglected cats making us one of the most successful cat rehoming centres in the country.
Based near Darlington in the North East of England, the Cat Hub rehomes cats saved by the RSPCA across the Teesside, North Yorkshire, County Durham and Darlington areas. Our volunteer foster carers are now looking after more than 80 cats and kittens in their own homes.
Set up by local branches of the RSPCA to help reduce the number of abandoned, abused and neglected cats on the streets, it costs £75,000 a year to run the Cat Hub.
The need for the Cat Hub at present is greater than ever! There has been a boom in kitten numbers due to difficulties in getting cats neutered during lockdown and financial hardship means that more cats are being abandoned.
Please follow our Facebook page - - for updates on our cats. If you are holding a fundraiser for us please contact us via Facebook Messenger with details and we will promote it on our Facebook page.
Please do give what you can. You can rest assured that cats will benefit from your kind generosity. Thank you!